Chris Quinn

Who am I?

  • A massive geek
  • Forever curious about how things work and making them better
  • Happiest when working technical challenges through to creative solutions
  • Fascinated with technologies past, present, and on the bleeding-edge of what's possible
  • Expert at converting ordinary coffee into code

I'm a Full Stack Developer that loves to find the best solution to any given task, often in ways that aren't immediately obvious! Whatever the task, I write clean, efficient code that delivers rock-solid reliability and a great user experience.

Have a look at some of my recent work below, and the skills that I've learned along the way.

Recent Projects

Coding Skills

Here are some of the skills that I've picked up along the way. I'm always learning and trying out new things!

Let's do this!

If you're looking to collaborate on a project, turn your ideas into something awesome, or discuss something more permanent, then fill in the form below and let's get the ball rolling!